Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The "Dew"

What is it with mountain dew? Why do people get addicted to it like its a drug? It's so disgusting and has about 1000000000 grams of sugar give or take a few 0's. I was reading another blog and this girl was going on and on about how she couldn't stop drinking "the dew" and how it was such a sin but she just couldn't stop. Maybe it's like a drug for people who don't drink alcohol and they need something that will make them wild or let loose I don't know. If anyone knows please let me know............

Here are some pics from christmas

Monday, December 21, 2009


I have no idea where we were but we were near the ocean so it was a good day! I hope we can make it to the beach every sunday!!!

San Fran wine man

Had a fun weekend strolling around san fran with my boys, especially after seeing the HUGE christmas tree in union square! It was a little crowded and we were rejected by many resturants/bars when we tried to have a beer because of the underager, but too bad for them. We finally found a spot child friendly by the holiday ice rink, maybe a little too friendly. I was breast feeding while waiting for brent to get our drinks when an older man sat down at our table (we were outside). He seemed drunk or bum like so I tried to not say much. When brent came out of the bar with a pitcher of beer the man's eyes lit up and he offered to buy a glass off brent! Weirdo!!!! Finally he gave up after many awkward looks from both of us and he pulled out a bottle of two buck chuck from his jacket and poured himself a glass of wine! Weirdo again! His wife and daughter finally came and found him and took him away..........

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I spend too much time at walmart

So after 2 hours of me and eli trying to make a photo calendar we finally made it out of there! In the mean time I had to breastfeed while standing up and go to the bathroom with eli in his front pack, luckily he hung nicely on the purse hook:)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hi my name is Chrissy

and I have an addiction to food. That's all I have time to say because I am busy eating.

Poppie time

Eli had a great time in Redding this past week, especially with his poppie. Now don't get me wrong he loves his nonnie but he doesn't see poppie as often so when he spends time with him it is very special. He had a lot of editing to do so I spent most of my time in his office helping him while nonnie watched eli, but when eli was fed and changed poppie would take a break and turn on the music for a dance party!
He also had a chance to see poppie and his uncle john play hockey........lets hope he gets john's athletic abilities!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Tree!!!

Jingle bells, snowflakes and Christmas songs by frank with my two favorite boys make for a great night of tree decorating. Eli was a little freaked out by this huge green monster that we forced him to stare at with blinking lights and a big fluffy white star on top.

Getting out all the Christmas decorations made me want to throw a Christmas party with dorky sweaters and sexy santas........but my sexy santa outfit won't fit me this year and the glitter is worn off brents dorky swearter. Maybe next year.

I still had fun decorating and making the apartment look like elf lives here........can't wait to watch that movie!

Monday, November 30, 2009

3 months!

Eli is 3 months old today so I thought I'd post a little update on his ways............

~When he's hungry and you lay him on his side he grunts and roots and gets so excited

~He still eats breastmilk every two hours and I think he's eating more now because I'm so hungry ALL the time!

~He had his first date (Avery) and passed out on the poor girl!

~He can roll from his stomach to his back

~He kicks his feet and waves his arms constantly and can hold a toy if you put it in his hand for him

~He loves faces and will smile at girls (he's a flirt like his dad)

I can't wait for him to crawl but I can wait for him to get teeth!

~When I sing to him he will start to coo and try to sing along

~I'm not sure his weight but I think its around 14-15lbs, size 3-6month clothes and some size 6month, size 1 diaper in pampers, size 2 in huggies and 24in long

~He still sleeps in our bed with us but I think after the holidays I'm going to try to put him in his crib..........we'll see:)

Seat belts please!

What is the deal with seat belts on planes? I felt like every 2 minutes someone was announcing, "The seat belt sign is on, please reframe from getting out of your seats." Ok, will a seat belt really save you if the plane went crashing into the ocean at 1000 mph? I felt like the flight attendant kept checking my lap to see if I had my seat belt on when her time could have been used serving me wine, now that would have helped me if the plane crashed!

I can't complain though because eli was so good on the plane, he really liked the vibration and slept or ate most of the time. Of course he pooped as soon as we got on the plane leaving for Chicago, but I pretty much expected it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

This is how I feel right now

You can get so confused
that you'll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place...

...for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or a No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Daddy loves me

Eli loves his daddy so much.......I love it when brent comes home from work and starts talking and eli turns his head and smiles because he knows who it is :)

BEezy and Eli

We finally got to meet up with Christi and spend some real time together. We decided to meet about half way in between where we both live so neither of us would have to drive very far. I found a mall in Fairfield (Solano Mall) that seemed like the perfect distance.

Little did we know that this was the Mall where people get shot at! I wondered why there was no line for Santa. We should have realized it was ghetto when all the stores were owned by asians who glared at us when we wheeled in the bugaboo and asked for large sizes (I didn't know XL was considered a plus size!)

It was fun none the less and I did find a sweatsuit at "choice" and Christi found a cute sweater at "style for you" so it wasn't a complete waste of shopping. Christi did tell her friend who is familiar with the area about our trip and she told her "it's ok, just NEVER go back there!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mommy and me

Today me and eli went to our first mommy and me group with moms and their babies. It was really nice since all the moms had babies under no chasing around toddlers. It pretty much was all the moms talking about labor and epidurals, and how were not doing THAT again for a LONG time!

The babies really didn't care either way but it was nice to have an adult conversation. It's nice to know that other babies only sleep an hour at a time and like to eat ALL the time (or at least it seems like it)..........and that we are all still trying to get back into shape but no one is back to their orginal weight!

I love my friends w/o kids but no one understands what your going through unless they have a baby.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Crue and Eli

Me and eli had a nice little visit in HB last week and of course eli hung out with his good friend crue. Now eli and crue have a lot of things in common; they are both babies, bald, were born in 09, like breastmilk and poop their pants everyday. They also have their differences; crue likes his pacifier and sleeps almost the entire night while eli hates his pacifier and can't talk nearly as much as crue.
Unfortunalty they both have no clue they are friends and who knows maybe when they get older they will be completly opposite. But at least we can try, and until they can talk they really have no choice!

Here are some cute pics of them hanging out.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chicken Salad for one

So here is the chicken salad I made the other night that Brent didn't like. He said it was because he doesn't like raisins............too bad there aren't any raisins in it! I really liked it and still have leftovers if anyone wants a delicious nutritious treat :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This ones for Gina!

Wow don't you wish we could surf these waves! Ha yea right! But seriously I need to go surfing next spring........ROAD TRIP to mexico!

Friday, November 6, 2009

One of Those days

Oh what a day it has been. After being offically rejected from nursing school last night I thought that maybe today would be a fresh start, a new day where I would figure my life out. Of course that is not what happened. Here is how my day went........Woke up at 2am and couldn't fall back asleep.
Eli woke up and was cute so that made me happy.
Brent was extra nice to me this morning so that made me feel good (he also left his card and told me to go do something fun)
Tried to go to the Zoo but it was under construction
Tried to go to the Japanese Gardens but the Koi pond was all dried up
Tried to eat lunch in the park and left after being stared at by all the bums while I breastfed
Went to the store to return our dollar rental and realized I had an empty case..............
Now I am happily drinking a glass of wine, you can't go wrong with that!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My little chunker

Eli got his shots yesterday and it was really hard seeing him get stabbed again with a needle (actually I couldn't even look!) But he was a champ and he only screamed on the second shot. So of course I spent the rest of the day cuddling him and giving him extra attention because I felt like a mean mommy. I know there's a lot of controversy right now about the safety of vaccines but I did my research and I feel like I did the right thing. But I can understand how moms are nervous and I don't think anyone should be forced to do anything they aren't comfortable with.
So my little chunker is now 24 inches and 12lbs 7oz..........90th% for his length! He's gonna be a tall one. Speaking of chunker he is currently chewing on his fist so I better feed him!

nursing school

So my application is in limbo right now because I didn't take Engl 102. The equivalent courses are ESL classes or a class that "enhances reading and study skills in many disciplines." What college course doesn't fit this description! I would like Dr. Rae to email this lady and have her try and read one of the essays and write a paper on it, or have one of her ESL students take her class! She made me email her a list of classes with their descriptions that fit the Engl 102 description, so I emailed her about six classes but I think all of them fit the description..........It's so ridiculous I don't know if I even want to attend a college who would employ someone like her.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meet and greet with emma

Here is the first time nonnie got to hold eli.............

Poor Emma

Emma's not the baby least not when eli's around. Her old baby bathtub came out and emma thought it was time for her to take a bath, unfortunately she can't really fit into it anymore. It was a scream fest while she watched nonnie give eli a bath, but she did manage to get some good splashes in!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Eli's first halloween in Redding! What an exciting night of trick or treating at the Mt. Shasta mall....I think it was scarier seeing all the people of redding in one spot than seeing all the movie paranormal activity. Now that is a good scare if you believe it could happen. Here is Eli dressed in his tiger costume that was so cute but so hot, his head was sweating the whole time :( don't worry he is fine now.

Friday, October 30, 2009

This ones for molly

Here are some pics of the trail I walk/jog on while talking to you. Oh and to the right of me there are office buildings...........I miss the beach!

That's a creepy old barn thats also part of the trail. There's probably someone peeking out the window waiting to attack women and children who walk by.
Yeah it's friday and were off to redding so eli can finally meet emma! She isn't the baby anymore.....We'll see if she even lets nonnie hold him :)

Oh and we are also stopping in sac to see beezy! Hopefully this will be the first of many trips up there since we live so much closer now.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sleepy baby, still a little stuffy :(

It's not the fucking fart!

For those of you who know me you know I love sex and the city, and if you are a true satc lover you will know exactly what episode "It's not the fucking fart!" is from. I want to show eli that episode because he LOVES to fart! I mean he really farts all the time, especially while he eats (typical man)
I hope it's not because of what I'm eating, but it's probably my fault......sorry eli

Not me not today

This was spray painted on the side of some electrical box near our apartments.......this person must have been having a bad day.......don't worry buddy we've all had our turn.

Home Sweet Home

Here are some pics of our new apartment. First is the living room, then the baby room, (he loves his zebra picture!) baby or guest bathroom and finally the kitchen. We also have a washer/dryer in the closet (which is so nice but I feel like I am always doing laundry..............)

First Pics

So eli isn't as excited about the new camera as I am. Here is the very first picture I took with it. It's so nice to be able to take a picture and post it right away! I was trying to get him to smile but this is all I got.

I'm at Walmart, where you at?

I thought that walmart would'nt be busy on a thursday afternoon but boy was I wrong! I did enjoy listening to fellow customers complain as I walked the isles looking for the camera section. It seems that a lot of people go to walmart on their lunch break, as one lady made very clear as she stormed past a poor old man looking for some smooth move, "I guess some people don't have to go back to work," were her words exactly. Well yeah he doesn't have to go back to work, but he probably wants to get home pretty quickly!

Oh and another reason I justify buying a new camera-it's my birthday in a few weeks, so early bday present to myself:)

Why not?

This morning while I was jogging with eli I decided that I was going to buy a new camera. To justify my purchase I also decided I would start a blog. It's also a great activity to do while breastfeeding (there are only so many things you can do while breastfeeding!)
I have also been getting restless when I'm home alone with eli, not that I don't love being with him but when he's happy and the laundry's done I need someone to talk to (myself).

Now this blog may get confusing since I will post random thoughts, events, and pictures in no particular order, and I'm definitely not going to re-read my posts and edit them because that's part of the fun.

So if you are reading this I hope you don't expect anything normal.